Events Archive

Displaying 31 - 40 of 59

Speakers will lead discussions with you (the audience!) on this topic to advance or address these important questions. They are all collaborators on a W3C Interest Group Note on this topic.

For this special event, we are thrilled to welcome two reproducibility experts as speakers: Daniel Nüst (Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster) and Casey O’Hara (BREN School, UC Santa Barbara).

FAIRy Stories: The FAIR Data Principles in Theory and in Practice

Armin Haller (Australian National University): What Are Links in Linked Open Data? A Characterization and Evaluation of Links between Knowledge Graphs on the Web

Google Dataset Search: Building an Open Ecosystem for Dataset Discovery

Due to COVID-19, 2021’s Spatial Lightning Talks moved online. The event attracted over 300 registrants from around the world.

Knowledge beyond the Graph: Toward a Multilingual Wikipedia

Knowledge Graphs for AI: Wikidata and Beyond

Please join us for this special session focused on Graph Data and Networks, and led by Rui Zhu, Su Burtner, Gengchen Mai, and Mike Johnson.

Gengchen Mai (STKO Lab, University of California, Santa Barbara): Space2Vec: Multi-Scale Representation Learning for Spatial Feature Distributions using Grid Cells